Donations to support our work can be made
through our fiscal sponsor Women Make Movies.
American taxpayers will receive a tax letter of credit.
Credit card donations can be made online here:
Checks should be made payable to Women Make Movies, with “Karuara,
People of the River” in the memo line, and should be sent to: Women Make
Movies, 115 W. 29th Street, Suite 1200 New York, NY 10001.
Please send an email to: quiscaproductions@gmail.com if you are sending a check for us to follow up.
About our fiscal sponsor:
Established in 1972, Women Make
Movies is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit media arts organization
registered with the New York Charities Office of the State of New York.
As a fiscal sponsor, WMM accepts donations or grants
on behalf of the filmmaker and assumes responsibility for
manage funds received in support of development
and completion of the film.
Thank you, Utsurpaki, for your support!